Appliance News: Postgresql and Nagios
Joining DB2, Oracle, MySQL/Spikesource, and Ingres/eventually.
Notice any glaring, Windows-only omissions from the list above?
In other appliance news, I'm trying out a Nagios appliance to do some monitoring of some client sites, as well as bits of my online existence that have become essential enough to warrant the monitoring overhead. Setup was a breeze, but I've now got to dig into nagios health checks to determine whether my web applications are functioning correctly (with Test::WWW::Mechanize or WWW::Selenium ), as opposed to just responding to pings.
I looked at Hyperic but it sounded like the wrong power/learning curve trade-off for my low-end needs.
Feeling cheeky, I nagged Hyperic about their 1 hr monitoring solution's install time taking about 55 minutes longer than it would if they released a virtual machine. The nice support person wrote back that
they'd gotten several requests for this and would probably do it
they could let me know when, and
the one hour is pretty conservative, give it a try!
I have a soft spot for Hyperic because their CTO was a principal mod_perl author. If nagios doesn't cut it I think I will give them a try, but since they import nagios scripts my current foray into monitoring appliances won't be time wasted.
10:14:42 AM