Wednesday, November 24, 2004 |
CPAN Ratings
According to bloglines, I'm the only (bloglines) subscriber to the CPAN Ratings rss feed.
That's not surprising, since I couldn't find the URL published anywhere, and had to guess it. But it's a shame, because it's such a good way to keep on top of what others find good about CPAN (like Commands-Guarded),
which is 90+% of why Perl is so great.
2:14:26 PM
What's new in (the planned) arch 2.0?
Usability (!): A gui, shorter paths, Windows support.
I was talking with Talli about Windows support for arch, and observed that most of the limitations preventing it would be solved by WinFS. Actually, a native arch Windows port would make a great technology showcase for WinFS. Of course Tom would eat at least one of his own vital organs before that came to pass.
2:05:03 PM
is database company with an "employee search" public demo that demonstrates some impressive screen scraping technology. Try it out with some past employers.
2:01:08 PM
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